Do you know diarrhea disease in India is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old? Diarrhoea defined as the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day (or more frequent passage than is normal for the individual) can last several days and can leave the body without the water and salts that are necessary for survival. It usually occurs due to some bacterial or viral infection of the intestinal tract.
रोजाना अखरोट खाने से होते हैं ये फायदे
अच्छी सेहत के लिए हर कोई यह सलाह देता है कि आप अपनी डाइट को बेहतर बनाएं और उसमें अधिक से अधिक पौष्टिक चीजों को शामिल करें। पौष्टिक चीजों की अगर बात की जाये तो दिमाग
में सबसे पहला नाम ड्राई फ्रूट्स का ही आता है। वैसे देखा जाए तो शायद ही ऐसा कोई हो जिसे ड्राई फ्रूट्स ना पसंद हों लेकिन अधिकतर लोग ड्राई फ्रूट्स में सिर्फ काजू, किशमिश और बादाम ही खाते रहते हैं।
Are Painkillers Making You Fat? Study Shows They Increase The Risk Of Obesity: 1mg News Digest
1) Are painkillers making you fat? Study shows they increase the risk of obesity by 95%
The study showed that there has been an immense increase in prescribed medications like opioids and antidepressants for chronic pain management over the past 10 years, and it has doubled the risk of obesity and sleep deprivation.
When To Avoid Breastfeeding?
We all know that breast milk is one of the most nutritious forms of milk that is essential for the adequate growth and development of infants, especially premature and sick newborns. Breast milk consists of water, fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and white cells; all of these help the baby to resist infections.
E-cigarettes: Poison In Your Lungs
We all have seen those sleek metallic devices that look like cigarettes, emitting a sweet sickly smell, mostly in the hands of youngsters. E-cigarettes are the new cool thing on the block, they are said to be a healthier alternative to conventional smoking that doesn’t leave behind any residue and is touted to be odorless. E-cigarettes were introduced as a means to help quit smoking but over the years have developed a following of their own and have gained popularity dramatically.
धात सिंड्रोम : भ्रांतिया (मिथक) और सच
Are You On Hair Loss Therapy? Adherence Is the Key!
“The sooner it is…the better it will be”…it may sound universally true but particularly holds true when we talk about taking a treatment or therapy for a condition. An accurate diagnosis (as talked about in the previous article), followed by an effective treatment regime and diligently using the hair loss products has been proven to bring out great results. It is common for many of us to simply know we are losing our hair and do nothing but nag about it.
How To Choose The Right Blood Pressure Monitor?
Do you know that buying an incorrect blood pressure monitor can give you inaccurate pressure readings? No, then you have come to the right place to understand the importance of choosing the correct BP monitor.
ज्यादा वसा वाली चीजें खाने के बावजूद भी कर सकते हैं वजन कम : रिसर्च
जब भी वजन कम करने की बात आती है तो लोगों के दिमाग में सबसे पहले यह बात आती है कि अब वे अपनी डाइट में बदलाव लायेंगे और ज्यादा फैट या वसा वाली चीजों का सेवन बंद कर देंगे। लेकिन हाल ही हुए एक शोध ने सबको चौंका दिया जिसमें यह बताया गया है कि आप अधिक वसा वाली चीजें खाते हुए भी अपना वजन कम कर सकते हैं।
Are You A Cell Phone Addict? Signs That You Are Overusing Your Phone
Do you check your phone after every now and then? Do you frequently think about calls or messages you may receive? Do you prefer spending time on your phone rather than talking to friends or family or engaging in other activities? If the answer to all these questions is a ‘Yes’, then my friend there are a lot of chances that you might be a cell phone addict.