Want To Quit Smoking? 7 Practical Ways To Do So!

World no tobacco day

World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31st May every year. The theme for this year is “Commit To Quit”.

Did you know tobacco causes 8 million deaths every year?[1] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 780 million people around the world say that they want to quit smoking but only 30% have access to these tools[1]. As per the Global Adult Tobacco Survey India 2016-17, 55.4% of smokers intend to or at least plan to quit.[2]

Even though numerous smokers want to quit smoking they are unable to do so due to the effects of nicotine withdrawal. However, there are few simple yet effective ways that can help you quit smoking right from nicotine withdrawal therapy to staying away from stress. Let’s know a few of them. 

7 Simple Ways To Quit Smoking

Whether it’s for a teen smoker or a chain smoker, quitting smoking will not be easy but it is important to know that it is not impossible as well. All you need to have is the right plan in place, attractive replacements, and a strong determination. Here are a few effective ways that will help you quit smoking:


It is important to set a date to quit smoking as it will help you stay motivated. Also, it will help you plan accordingly. Pen down the reasons why you want to quit smoking. At the time of craving, these reasons will pull you back from picking up those smokes. A week before the quit date, stop buying cartons of cigarettes.


It is important to identify your smoking triggers before you plan to quit it completely. A smoking trigger includes everything that provokes you to smoke and may include people/ situations/ feelings/ activities or an environment.

Make sure while you plan to quit smoking, these triggers stay a distance from you. It is difficult to practice but is extremely helpful. If you tend to smoke with a certain set of friends more often, try and replace them with a peer who does not smoke.

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An idle mind is a devil’s workshop is a well-known saying. When on a quit smoking plan, keep yourself engaged in different activities that require both your brain and body. Being busy and staying committed to the task helps to keep your mind and body distracted. Engage yourself in group activities, watch a movie, read more often or play a sport.


Every time you think of going to the supermarket to buy yourself smokes, stock the money in a piggy bank. Start saving that money. This will motivate you.

For those specific times during the day when you smoke, find yourself an alternative. Go for a walk with a friend, else to do instead. Try herbal drinks such as green tea, chamomile tea, and other flavored teas/ coffee. Also, stocking up nicotine gums & patches can be of great help in the quitting process.


The day you decide to leave it forever, declutter your room, car, and workplace. Get rid of all the tobacco-based products, ashtrays, matches, and lighters that you had been bulking to date. Studies[3] reflect that people tend to smoke the most while driving, so make sure you trash all the smokes from your car and other places.


The smell of the smoke can also serve as a trigger for smoking, therefore make sure you use a good clothes freshener. Clear your wardrobe and get your clothes washed to get rid of the smoke smell.

Start your day on a positive note telling yourself repeatedly that you will do it. Do not spend time thinking about the resolution instead whenever the thought hits your mind remind yourself of winning the situation by staying away from it.


In case you have been a chain-smoker, make sure you opt for help. Your doctor may prescribe you medications to help with withdrawal. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is one of the safe & effective therapies to quit smoking. It helps you by providing the nicotine that you crave but in lower doses. The amount of nicotine is enough to double your chances of quitting smoking[4]. 

It includes using nicotine gums, patches, inhalers, and nasal sprays to satisfy your nicotine cravings. Although gums and patches are available over the counter, you would need a prescription for nasal sprays and inhalers.

Bottom line:

The old adage “quitter never wins & winner never quits” fits perfectly in any real-life situation but for smoking. When it comes to smoking & fighting its ill effects on health, “The Quitter Is The Real Winner”. This World Tobacco Day, pledge to quit smoking for a better future.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article in the form of text, tips, suggestions, and products, which comprises general advice for consumers. It is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by the brand of 2baconil. 1mg does not endorse any brands and is not responsible for their efficacy.


1. World No Tobacco Day 2021. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). World Health Organization (WHO). https://www.paho.org/en/campaigns/world-no-tobacco-day-2021

2. Global Adult Tobacco Survey. The GATS Atlas. http://gatsatlas.org/downloads/GATS-whole-book-12.pdf

3. Mangiaracina G, Palumbo L. Le implicazioni sulla sicurezza stradale del fumare durante la guida [Smoking while driving and its consequences on road safety]. Ann Ig. 2007 May-Jun;19(3):253-67. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17658112/

4. Nicotine Replacement Therapy to Help You Quit Tobacco.  How To Quit Tobacco. The American Cancer Society. https://www.cancer.org/healthy/stay-away-from-tobacco/guide-quitting-smoking/nicotine-replacement-therapy.html

5. Key Facts. Tobacco. The World Health Organization (WHO). https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tobacco

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