Every time you blink, your eyes get washed by a fluid containing water, oil, and mucus. This fluid also known as tears, keeps your eyes moisturized and lubricated. But what if your eyes do not produce enough moisture? When this happens, you start noticing redness and heaviness in your eye. Also, your eyes become sensitive to light and itchy. This condition is often termed as dry eyes. Dry eyes can also occur if your eye does not produce the right quality of tears.
Dry eyes are very common and a significant reason for visits to an eye doctor. The more common causes associated with dry eyes include reduced blinking while working for long hours in front of a computer or phone, dry air, wearing contact lenses for a prolonged time, dust allergies, etc.
Depending on the severity, dry eyes can be treated accordingly. Here is a list of remedies you can follow if you have dry eyes:
1. Use artificial teardrops: Dry eyes can be managed to some extent with the use of artificial tears. These over-the-counter lubricating eye drops are available in various ingredients and viscosity. Frequent application of these eye drops creates a mini “moisture chamber” for your eyes with little or no blurring of vision.
2. Avoid dust and cigarette smoke: The dust in the air and smoke from the cigarette can further trigger this infection. So, avoid any kind of dry air or wind entering your eyes. Always ensure to use appropriate eye-wear to protect your eyes while riding a motorcycle, skiing, etc.
3. Take proper rest: Tired eyes can also be a reason. Avoid looking too much into computer/phone screens, and give adequate rest to your eyes. Your eyes need oxygen to breathe, therefore, take frequent breaks so that your eyes can regain some of their moisture.
4. Try warm compresses: Placing a warm compress on your eyes improves the quality of your tears. After you apply warm compression, be sure to wash your eyes with a non-irritating soapy solution (preferably a baby shampoo, etc).
5. Frequently wash your eyes: Washing your eyes with normal, clean water helps in reducing, if not completely curing, the severity of this condition.
6. Use castor oil: Castor oil is not just good for your hair and skin, but it also helps in improving the tear stability due to lipid spreading, in preventing tear evaporation, and acting as an excellent lubricant for the eyes.
7. Blinking exercises: As we know that reduced blinking can cause dry eyes, performing certain blinking exercises regularly can help combat this condition. Close your eyes fully and count to 2. Then, squeeze the eyelids together and again count till 2. Finally, open your eyes and count to 2. Performing this full blinking exercise 5 times at least every hour for a couple of weeks can provide considerable benefit to your irritated eyes.
Follow these easy, yet effective remedies to get rid of your dry eyes!