Yes, we can say so that optimum Vitamin D levels can help to keep the glucose levels under check.
-Scientific literature from the past suggests a direct relation between low levels of Vitamin D and obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
-It was observed that higher insulin levels were expected in individuals with insulin resistance. The insulin resistant cells become ineffective in transporting glucose molecules into cells, there’s more glucose circulating in the blood. In the presence of elevated blood glucose, the beta cells of the pancreas work harder to release more insulin. However, this exhausts the pancreas and they are no longer able to pump out insulin. Together, elevated blood glucose levels and ineffective pancreatic beta cells lead to type 2 diabetes.
-Vitamin D is an essential hormone that stimulates virtually each cell of the body and its deficiency affects the glucose metabolism. Patients with low vitamin D levels are more prone to get diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, or metabolic syndrome.
-Studies in the past have shown that Vitamin D decreases insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetic patients. Oral and intramuscular Vitamin D treatment improves the beta cell functioning and also reduces insulin resistance. Thereby, lesser doses of insulin and oral diabetic drugs are needed to manage blood sugar levels.
-Studies also reveal that Vitamin D3 treatment also significantly reduced the body weight. This further also helped in regulating the glucose levels in the body. Vitamin D acts in the brain to improve glucose intolerance and insulin sensitivity.