Eat Well

6 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Fish


“Oh, you are a Bengali? Then you must be eating fish all day and all night.”

How many of you have heard this line or used it to make fun of your friends from Calcutta or anyone from the eastern or the coastal areas? Yes? Then you should know the reason behind their love for fish. The sheer joy of eating that delicious fish coupled with local spices is only known to seafood lovers.

5 Ways To Increase Good Cholesterol And Reduce Bad Cholesterol Naturally

5 Ways To Increase Good Cholesterol And Reduce Bad Cholesterol Naturally

Cholesterol has been very unjustly portrayed as a deadly villain to healthy living. It’s a myth that cholesterol has a detrimental effect on health. The body requires cholesterol for important functions like producing hormones, vitamin D, and substances that regulate digestion. Cholesterol only becomes a health problem when its levels are impaired (dyslipidemia), which can result in plaque formation and hence coronary heart disorders (due to narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart).

Skipped Your Breakfast? This Is What Will Happen To Your Body


“Have your breakfast, why you always skip it, screamed Avik’s mom from the kitchen”. To which Avik shouted, “Mom no time I have an important presentation to give,” and rushed to his office.
How many of you do the same?? Missing your breakfast for an important meeting or cutting down the net calorie intake in order to get that dream body.

5 Healthy Soup Recipes For This Winter


Winters mean hot piping food and one thing that comes to mind is a bowl of simmering soup. The delightful aroma of spices with all other ingredients warms the chilliest of any winter night.
In this article we have collected simple and tasty soup recipes so that you can skip the ones that are loaded with preservatives and instead try these homemade healthy soup recipes.

नमक और उच्च रक्तचाप

नमक और उच्च रक्तचाप

भोजन में नमक का कम या ज्यादा होना खाने के स्वाद को पूरी तरह से प्रभावित करता है। शोध के अनुसार अगर हम खाने में नमक का अधिक या कम सेवन करते है तो इसका सीधा प्रभाव हमारे स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ता है। अगर भोजन में नमक की मात्रा अधिक हो तो इससे उच्च रक्तचाप ( High Blood Pressure) की समस्या हो सकती है।

Do You Know Consuming Excessive Dry Fruits Can Have Adverse Effects On Your Health?

Do You Know Consuming Excessive Dry Fruits Can Have Adverse Effects On Your Health?

Fibre, fat, and protein dense dry fruits are the perfect alternatives for snacking one can look for while following strict diet regime. Ananya, a 36-year-old corporate manager, was simply following this notion and frequently snacked over the variety of dry fruits. Her routine was too busy to adopt a healthy lifestyle. So, her dietician suggested including a few dry fruits to her diet routine to improve her metabolism. However, due to lack of any specific limits on these smacking nuts, she ingested a handful of them almost three times a day.