We often hear that people who are vegetarian are not able to complete their protein intake or experience protein deficiency. Most of the individuals blame vegetarian diet for this. However, are you aware that even vegetarian diet can meet the protein demands of your body? You must be wondering that how is this possible without eating eggs and chicken? The answer is SOYABEAN.
Know The Benefits Of This Miracle Juice: ABC Juice
Don’t you love to have a clear flawless skin, lose that extra flab from your tummy and thighs, delay your aging process and protect yourself from various ailments? Well! We all do.
With so much of hustle and bustle in our life, everybody craves to have a good health but in a more natural and quicker way. So, in this article, we shall talk about a Miraculous Health drink which many of us must not be aware of.
रोजाना अंडे खाने से होते हैं ये 8 फायदे
ऐसा माना जाता है कि आपकी दिन भर की डाइट में सबसे ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण सुबह का नाश्ता होता है और इसी वजह से डॉक्टर ये सलाह देते हैं कि नाश्ते में अधिक से अधिक हेल्दी चीजों को शामिल करें। आपने इस बात पर कभी गौर किया है कि आखिर क्या वजह है कि पूरी दुनिया में नाश्ते में अंडे का प्रयोग सबसे ज्यादा किया जाता है। इसका सबसे मुख्य कारण है अंडों में मौजूद प्रोटीन और विटामिन की अधिक मात्रा जो किसी अन्य चीज में नहीं मिलती है। आइये अंडों में मौजूद पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं।
Foods To Avoid If You Have Hypothyroidism
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. It helps in regulating various functions of your body such as metabolism, temperature, and heartbeat. However, it performs its work quite smoothly that you might even forget its presence and thus it is considered the silent workhorse of your body. But, it may come to notice with any dysfunction, one such being hypothyroidism.
PCOD and Diabetes: Is There A Link Between the Two?
Nowadays, many young ladies are diagnosed with PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease).Studies reveal that 1 out of every 5 young women is suffering from PCOD in India. That really is a depressing number. PCOD is a condition that disrupts a woman’s endocrine system and raises her level of androgens (male hormones) and is seen to have a genetic connection.
Fighting Air Pollution? Add These Foods To Your Daily Diet!
Recorded amongst the world’s most polluted cities, New Delhi, is having a tough time dealing with the rising pollution levels. To stay safe, it is important for all of us to follow the preventive measures and include indoor plants, air purifiers, opt for respiratory masks when stepping out and have anti-oxidants rich diets. Published literature suggests that foods rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and antioxidants are enriched with anti-inflammatory properties and have been found to combat the effects of air pollution.
Do You Know The Color Of Your Poop Indicates Your Health?
Our body gives us many indications of our health and determining them in the initial stages is very important. Fortunately, the stool is the window into our health. This article will help you evaluate your body’s physiological state in regards to various poop colors and causes associated with it.
7 Reasons To Add Prebiotics To Your Diet
Have you read it correctly? Yes, we are talking about Prebiotics and not Probiotics. While they sound very similar and are often confused, Prebiotics and Probiotics are not the same. So what is the difference between the two?
Egg White Or Egg Yolk: Which Is Healthier?
Loaded with proteins, eggs are a quick and an easy way to get essential nutrients at any time of the day. But eggs are one of those controversial foods where diet professionals can’t make their minds if they are healthier or harmful. Eggs have a high protein source along with other vitamins and minerals. However, they are also reasonably high in cholesterol and fat, which is why they have been doubtful if they are actually beneficial or harmful.
Tips To Expose The Hidden Poison In Our Food
With the ongoing steep rise in adulteration of food in India, it won’t be wrong to say that anything to everything we eat or drink is partially adulterated.
You cannot see these adulterants with the naked eye (except in some cases), but you can detect them at home easily by simple kitchen tricks such as: