Popping calcium supplements without consulting your doctor could increase the risk of plaque buildup in arteries and cause heart damage.
-In a study conducted by John Hopkins University, more than 2,700 patients, aged between 45-84 years of age of whom 50% were females, were analysed over a period of 10 years.
-As per the recent study, researchers found that in participants who took calcium from diet ( even up to 1 gram/day) there was no increase in relative risk of developing heart disease over the 10-year study period.
-But supplement users showed a 22% increased likelihood of having their coronary artery calcium scores rise higher than zero over the decade, indicating development of heart disease.
-This was because the intake of calcium supplements showed a higher risk for plaque deposition in the arteries which increases risk of heart diseases.
-Researchers are of the view that there is a vivid difference in the way the body utilizes the calcium supplements compared to calcium that comes from calcium rich foods.
-However, the study suggests that having calcium-rich foods poses no harm to the heart and can infact be beneficial for the heart.
-The researchers suggest that patients should consult their doctor to assess their need for calcium supplements and to fix a safe dosage.
Source: Journal Of The American Heart Association