How Should Diabetics Choose Their Fruits?

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One of the most commonly asked question by a diabetic patient is, “Can I have fruits?” The answer to this is not a simple “yes” or “no”. Although diabetic patients can include fruits in their diet, but there are some factors that the patients need to keep in mind when choosing a fruit, the most important being the glycemic index.


Glycemic Index is a number which tells us about the effect of food on a person’s blood sugar level.The Glycemic Index has a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is pure glucose. Low GI foods do not raise blood sugar level to a considerable extent like high GI foods do. So, fruits containing low GI are highly preferable. Roughly,

-GI value below 50 is considered low.

-GI value between 50 ‐60 is considered average.

-GI value above 60 is high.

-Here are the GI scores of some of the commonly available fruits: black jamun (25), cherries (20), pear (38), apple (39), orange (40), plum (40), strawberry (41), peach (42), guava (32)


1 . Strawberries

Apart from providing a mouthwatering luster to a delicious dessert, strawberries bear a name of super food for diabetics. They are enriched with potassium (which helps in keeping blood sugar level in check), antioxidants, and vitamins. Moreover, they have low GI level. So strawberries have a lot to offer from their indulging taste to added topping of value.

Nutritional value: 100 gm strawberries has  33 Kcal calories and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

2 . Black Jamun

This fruit holds a special significance owing to its numerous qualities. Every part of jamun holds wondrous properties to fight diabetes. Its seeds can be powdered and consumed each day in morning with an empty stomach. The fruit pulp and bark are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and have low GI value.

Nutritional value: 100 grams contain 60 Kcal  and 16 grams of carbohydrates.

3 . Apple

Apples are also loaded with fiber and a good source of vitamin C and have a low gylcemic index which makes them a good option for diabetics. . Don’t peel your apples, though,the skins are the most nutritious part, full of antioxidants.

Nutritional value:100 grams contain 52 Kcal and 14 grams of carbohydrates.

4 . Guava

Guava gives you yet another reason for not depriving yourself from healthy fruits. It is mostly advised to eat without its skin which reduces sugar absorption in the blood. Guavas are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fiber. This fruit has a reasonably low GI making it a part of a diabetics’ must have fruits plate.

Nutritional value: 100 grams of guava has 51 Kcal and 12 grams of carbohydrates.

5 . Peach

Peaches contain vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber and are delicious on their own or tossed into iced tea for a fruity twist. You can also add them to your salads or desserts as a delicious topping.

Nutritional value: 100 gram of peach contains 39 Kcal and 10 grams of carbohydrates

6 . Orange

Orange is a powerhouse of vitamin C. It has a low GI and is rich in folate and potassium, which may help normalize blood pressure. You can have it as a mid-day snack or carry it in your bag for that glucose punch that you may need when you are at work or travelling.

Nutritional value: 100 gram of orange contains 47 Kcal and 12 grams of carbohydrates


-It is best to have low or moderately low GI fruits.

-When you choose a low GI fruit, you can have a bigger portion, but when you choose a high GI fruit, you need to take a small portion. For example in high GI fruits, you can  have 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup mango, 1/3 cup chiku, 1 cup melon.

-You should consider GI, total calories and carbohydrate content when picking a portion of a fruit. For example 1 whole guava and 1/2 cup of banana will have almost same calories and carbohydrate content.

-Fruits should be eaten raw. Avoid juices or fruit drinks which have added preservatives or sugar.

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So, go ahead and add fruits into your daily diet as they are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!


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9 thoughts on “How Should Diabetics Choose Their Fruits?

  1. Tej SAPRU

    Very informative tips for diabetic patients. I was of the opinion that Apple, peaches & strawberry have high g. I.

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