How To Keep Your Liver Healthy: 8 Tips You Need To Know

World Liver Day

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and is responsible for numerous vital functions. It plays a crucial role in digesting food, detoxifying harmful substances, storing essential nutrients, and regulating the body’s metabolism. The liver also produces bile, which helps break down fat and absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
To highlight the significant role the liver plays in maintaining overall health, World Liver Day is celebrated on April 19th every year across the world. This day aims to raise awareness about the importance of liver health and promote liver disease prevention.

Here are eight tips to help you maintain a healthy liver:

1. Limit Alcohol Consumption
According to a 2019 study published online[1], around 2 billion people all over the world consume alcohol, and more than 75 million are at a high risk of alcohol-associated liver disease. Thus it is recommended to limit your alcohol intake. For women, no more than one drink per day, and for men, no more than two drinks per day is recommended.

2. Take A Healthy Diet
A diet low in saturated and trans fats and high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help keep your liver healthy. Avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar and processed foods, as they can contribute to fatty liver disease. Also, up your intake of antioxidants, commonly found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help in flushing harmful toxins from the body and improve liver functioning.

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3. Hydration Is The Key
Drinking enough water can help flush out toxins from the liver and improve liver function. It prevents dehydration and thus helps the liver to function better. Make a habit of drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water daily.

4. Avoid Smoking
Smoking can increase the risk of liver cancer and other liver problems. Quitting smoking can help improve your liver and overall health.

About 40% of individuals with liver illness had a smoking history. Smoking has a detrimental impact on the incidence and severity of fatty liver disease.[2]
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5. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of fatty liver disease and other liver problems. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

6. Get Vaccinated
Around 400 million people around the globe suffer from chronic hepatitis[3]. However, the best thing about this is that hepatitis can be prevented with vaccination. Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, which are the common types of hepatitis.

7. Schedule Regular Checkups
The theme for this year’s World Liver Day is “Be vigilant, do a regular liver check-up, fatty liver can affect anyone.” It urges everyone to get regular liver check-ups, irrespective of any underlying risk factors. Screening with the help of a blood test called the liver function test (LFT) can help detect liver diseases at an early stage and enable timely treatment.

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8. Say No To Self Medication
Popping a painkiller every time you suffer from a toothache, back pain, fever, or headache is not recommended as certain medications can damage the liver and increase the risk of liver disease.

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In conclusion, World Liver Day is an opportunity to educate people on the significance of liver health and the prevention and management of liver diseases. By adopting healthy habits and getting regular check-ups, we can help maintain optimal liver health and prevent liver diseases.

(The article is written by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor, and reviewed by Dr. Swati Mishra, Medical Editor)


1. Asrani SK, Devarbhavi H, Eaton J, Kamath PS. Burden of liver diseases in the world. J Hepatol. 2019 Jan;70(1):151-171. Available online:
2. Cigarette smoking and liver diseases. Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 77|191–205. Available online:
3. Satsangi S, Chawla YK. Viral hepatitis: Indian scenario. Med J Armed Forces India. 2016 Jul;72(3):204-10. Available online:

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