Infantile Colic or simply colic, is extremely common in babies. Crying is the only way for the baby to communicate their discomfort. However, the only question that buzzes a mother is “whether the infant is really trying to convey his/ her discomfort or if no, then what is making the baby cry?” Research suggests that about 2 hours of crying a day is normal. Incessant crying in a few weeks old baby for more than 3 hours in the late afternoon or evening, for more than 3 days a week is typically because of abdominal colic.
What Are The Common Signs That Suggest Your Baby Has Colic?
Here are some common indicators of a colicky baby:
– Intense and incessant crying episodes (lasting for usually more than 3 hours) even in the absence of external triggers.
– Usually the cries occur at the same time every time (late afternoon or evening).
– The infant clenches fast his hands, raises his legs above and tightens his abdominal muscles.
– The infant becomes frantic and cannot be put to sleep easily.
– Bawls of the infant are loud, piercing and ceaseless in nature.
– An increase in the bowel activity may also be observed; He/ She may break wind (pass gas) or spit up.
What Causes Colic Pains In A Baby?
– The reasons for a child to get colicky are not exactly known, nor is there any suggested medication for it. Colic usually disappears by 4-5 months of age.
– Studies suggest several possible causes like genetic factors, gassy tummy and infant acid reflux.
– However, abdominal pain is considered to be the major reason.
– Additionally it has been reported that babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy were at an increased risk of the condition than others.
Are There Any Effective Ways To Comfort The Colicky Baby?
Here are some effective tips to help you calm your colicky baby:
– Cuddle Up your baby or swaddle him/ her in a blanket while he/ she is in colic. The child feels loved and relaxes.
– Keep the baby in motion by gently rocking him/ her in your arms. Swinging in the cradle will also help.
– Alter/ Change the position of the child by placing his/ her head on your arm and your arm under his/ her belly. This will assist the baby to release gas and help him relax.
– Provide a calm environment with less white light and constant low sound environment. This provides the baby similar conditions as were present in the womb and makes his/ her feel relaxed.
– Old yet effective, the sshhhhh sound does wonders and helps to put the baby asleep.
– Play gentle music to calm down your child
– Gently Stroke/ pat the tummy in circular motions to release the caught-up flatus, which will relieve the colic and the crying.
– A stroll in the fresh environment in a park outside shall be beneficial for the baby.
When Should You Consult A Doctor?
– Visit a pediatrician if despite these tips, the crying do not stop.
– In cases when the baby complains of fever, vomiting and bloody stools, do not delay reaching out to the doctor.
– A careful examination and investigations might be needed to rule out other reasons for the baby’s discomfort and crying.
So,go ahead and try these effective ways to handle your child’s colic pains. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!