Live Well, Live Long: Science-Backed Tips For A Healthier & Longer Life


Ageing is an inevitable part of life, a journey marked by the passage of time and the accumulation of experiences. But what exactly is ageing, and how does it manifest in our bodies?

Welcome to a brand new feature by Tata 1mg: ‘Live Well, Live Long’.

Here, we dive deep into every aspect of ageing—from definitions and key terms to doctor-backed tips for living a longer, healthier life. Buckle up for an eye-opening and informative journey into the secrets of ageing!


Ageing Unwrapped: What You Really Need to Know

Let’s start by demystifying ageing with some basic information. For instance, did you know that the average life expectancy in India is around 70 years? Or that places like Okinawa, Japan, are renowned for their high number of centenarians? It’s fascinating to see why some populations, like the Japanese, enjoy longer lifespans and what we can learn from their lifestyle and diet.

Understanding ageing requires a grasp of essential terms and distinctions. Have you ever wondered why some people seem younger than their actual age? That’s where the difference between chronological and biological age comes in. Chronological age is just a number, while biological age is how old your body actually feels and functions at a certain age.

Furthermore, in this series we aim to clarify the concepts of healthspan versus lifespan—healthspan is about living healthier for longer, not just adding years to life.

Curious to know what all this series holds for you? Below are some questions we will be addressing in the coming articles:

1. What is the Secret to a Longer Life?

So, what’s the magic formula for living longer? Several extensive studies and research have concluded that it’s a mix of diet, sleep, exercise, and mental health. For example, a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is often linked to longevity. Similarly, quality sleep is crucial for repairing our bodies. Regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or weight training, keeps us fit and mobile. Moreover, mindfulness, meditation, and staying socially active are key to feeling good and staying sharp.

In this series, we’ll explore each of these factors in detail, including how biomarkers—those little indicators in our bodies—evolve as we age.

2. How do chronic diseases impact longevity?
Chronic diseases significantly affect longevity. Let’s take diabetes, for example. Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for longevity. Or consider heart health: regular checkups and a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart diseases. We’ll dive into how ageing impacts different organs and discuss ways to stay healthy. Understanding how ageing affects our heart, the risk of cancer, and managing diabetes will be key themes in our series.

3. What Drives the Ageing Process?
Ever wondered what’s happening inside your body as you age? The hallmarks of ageing are the fundamental biological processes driving ageing. This includes things like mitochondrial dysfunction (think of it as your cells’ powerhouses running low on energy) and stem cell exhaustion (your body’s repair system getting tired). During the course of this series, we will discuss cellular senescence (old cells that refuse to die and start causing trouble), inflammation, and telomere attrition (the protective caps on your DNA getting shorter over time).

Biomarkers provide a window into the ageing process. We’ll highlight common longevity biomarkers found in routine checkups and the role of genetic biomarkers in ageing. For instance, did you know that certain genetic markers can predict how well you’ll age?

Supplements can play a role in supporting longevity too. We’ll introduce five supplements that are associated with promoting a longer life—think of them as little helpers for your body. These include popular ones like omega-3 fatty acids and lesser-known ones like resveratrol.

Join us as we embark on this comprehensive exploration of ageing and longevity, uncovering the science and strategies that can help us live longer, healthier lives.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips to Live Well, Live Long.

Let’s embrace the journey of ageing with knowledge and a proactive approach to living our best lives!

The article is written by Mantasha, Executive, Clinical Health & Content, and reviewed by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor


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