Reading books with your child in early infancy can help to boost his/ her vocabulary and reading skills four years later (that is before the start of elementary school).
-A study, conducted by the University of New York, was focused on evaluating how well the infants could understand words and develop reading skills.
-The study included more than 250 pairs of mothers and their babies, from the newborn nursery of a public hospital. The children were aged between 6 months and 4 and a half years (54 months). for how well they could understand words, and for early literacy and reading skills.
-The study also took into account the quantity and quality of books read by the pairs (parent-child) at home. Also, it was taken into account if the parents conversed with the child while they read their respective books.
-The study revealed that children whose parents read books to them during their early years had a better vocabulary and reading skills.
-Findings were presented at 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics