Regular brisk walk found to reduce the risk of death due to cancer, recent study reveals.
-Recent studies conducted amongst different groups of patients was focused on studying how moderate exercise and especially brisk walking significantly benefitted cancer patients in their survival.
-The study included about 337 women who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer and were further sub-grouped with those who had undergone a surgery to remove the tumors
-For a span of 8 months, one of the groups were asked to follow an exercise regime of moderate intensity for a total of 180 minutes in a week. On the contrary, the other group received standard care.
-Post a follow up for 8 years, it was revealed that exercise had a very positive impact on the survival of the patients on the whole.
-Patients who exercised were at half the risk of dying due compared to those who did not exercise. Also, they were less likely to be diagnosed with further complications.
Source: American Society for Clinical Oncology