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Pregnancy Diet: Common Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy


When you are pregnant and you want to savor your favorite foods, the first question that arises in your mind is “Should I eat this or not”? While most foods could be safe to include in your daily diet, there are many that should not be as it might be harmful to the growing baby. Getting the right nutrition is as essential as it is to prepare for the inevitable medical costs related to pregnancy. To avoid your budget going awry, you can insure yourself with a no waiting period OPD health plan.

Sex During Pregnancy: Safe Or Not?

sex during pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy can be scary, but some women find it as satisfying as it is at other times. Unless doctor really tells you to avoid sex during pregnancy, it is always safe to enjoy until your water breaks. But, there are certain positions and precautions that you need to keep in mind to make sex more comfortable and pleasant experience during pregnancy.