7 Tasty And Healthy Desi Thirst Quenchers You Must Try!
Tomatoes Cause Kidney Stones: Myth Or Fact?
Is Your Portion Size Making You FAT?
10 Vitamin C Rich Foods In Less Than Rs 5 Per Day
Harmful Effects Of Midnight Snacking
अपने मल का रंग देखकर जानें, आपको है कौन सी बीमारी ?
शरीर में कोई भी अंदुरुनी बीमारी होने पर आपका शरीर किसी ना किसी रूप में संकेत ज़रूर देता है। इसलिए आपको इन शारीरिक संकेतो की जानकारी होना बहुत ज़रूरी है जिससे आप शुरुआत में ही रोग की पहचान करके उसका इलाज करवा सकें। आपको बता दें कि मल के रंग के आधार पर भी यह पता लगाया जा सकता है कि आप कितने स्वस्थ है या आप किस बीमारी से पीड़ित हैं?
8 Signs That Show You Are Low On Vitamin B-12
Taking too little of Vitamin B12 cannot harm me,” thought Taanya, after reading her blood investigations. Taanya, a young woman entrepreneur got her annual preventive health checkup done and was wondering how Vitamin B12 deficiency was affecting her body.
Your Liver Could Be In Trouble!
Liver diseases are rising steadily. With unhealthy lifestyle and obesity on the rise, everyone is susceptible to them, irrespective of age, sex, religion or race. According to statistics, Liver diseases are the fifth most common cause of death. Yet, we don’t even realise the importance of liver health until it’s too late.
6 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Fish
“Oh, you are a Bengali? Then you must be eating fish all day and all night.”
How many of you have heard this line or used it to make fun of your friends from Calcutta or anyone from the eastern or the coastal areas? Yes? Then you should know the reason behind their love for fish. The sheer joy of eating that delicious fish coupled with local spices is only known to seafood lovers.