अपने शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए रोजाना व्यायाम करना बहुत ज़रूरी है। इससे आपका दिमाग तेज होता है और आप दिन भर सकारात्मक उर्जा से भरे हुए रहते हैं। लेकिन आजकल की भागदौड़ भरी ज़िन्दगी में लोग रोजाना एक्सरसाइज के लिए समय ही नहीं निकाल पाते हैं और इस वजह से वे या तो ये छुट्टी वाले दिन जिम जाते हैं या फिर ऑफिस खत्म होने के बाद कुछ देर के लिए एक्सरसाइज करते हैं। इस तरह से एक्सरसाइज करने से चोट लगने का खतरा काफी बढ़ जाता है।
12 Easy Ways To Improve Male Fertility
धात सिंड्रोम : भ्रांतिया (मिथक) और सच
How To Make The Most Of Your Doctor Visits
Ever stepped out of a doctor’s room feeling confused and unsure of what to do next? Consulting a doctor is like an exam. You must prepare for it well to get the best results. Forgetting to carry relevant reports, not listing down your queries, shying away from asking the doctor to explain things are all potent ingredients for dissatisfaction.
The Need For Preventive Health Checkups For The Elderly
The old adage, ‘Prevention is better than cure’ stands true, especially for the elderly. With a rise in age, it becomes increasingly essential to keep a check on not just physical health but functional ability, cognitive health & emotional health as well. With timely preventive health check-ups, one can spot and address risk factors for certain diseases that might crop up with old age.
7 Essential Skincare Tips For Men
When talking about skincare, men have traditionally kept it simple. But gone are those times when tanned, patchy skin, and an unkempt beard were the things men could get away with. Taking good care of your skin has always been the most important thing for looking good overall. And why not, good skin always adds-on to a good personality.
5 Signs To Check If You Are A Prediabetic
Pre-diabetes- a condition that lurks like a ghost in the corner and traps you the moment it views you as a perfect host. Okay, yes that’s not the technical definition of it but it could be. Pre-diabetes is a serious condition in which your blood sugar levels go through a dramatic rise but not enough to classify as diabetes.
Thirsty Too Often? It Might Be The Dreaded D Disease!
Picture this: It’s been five minutes since you gulped down almost two glasses of water, and yet, precisely after those five minutes, you just can’t help but feel thirsty again. You get up from your seat, on a quest to quench this never-ending thirst. But in the back of your mind, you can’t stop these thoughts from echoing in your mind on a loop- ‘What is wrong with me? Why am I always thirsty?’
Itchy balls? Here Is What You Should Know
Getting an itch down there? It isn’t uncommon to have an itch on or around your testicles or your scrotum. This is a very common problem seen in older, obese adults, and athletes; however, can also be seen in otherwise healthy people.
5 Anti-Aging Yoga Poses
Aging is an inevitable truth of all times. Everyone has to age, but aging gracefully is an art. If you are amongst the many aging adults looking to slow down the hands of time, just turn around to your yoga mat.