World Sleep Day: How Lack Of Sleep Affects Your Health
7 Tasty And Healthy Desi Thirst Quenchers You Must Try!
धात सिंड्रोम : भ्रांतिया (मिथक) और सच
Are You A Cell Phone Addict? Signs That You Are Overusing Your Phone
Do you check your phone after every now and then? Do you frequently think about calls or messages you may receive? Do you prefer spending time on your phone rather than talking to friends or family or engaging in other activities? If the answer to all these questions is a ‘Yes’, then my friend there are a lot of chances that you might be a cell phone addict.
5 Anti-Aging Yoga Poses
Aging is an inevitable truth of all times. Everyone has to age, but aging gracefully is an art. If you are amongst the many aging adults looking to slow down the hands of time, just turn around to your yoga mat.
Top 5 Do’s and Dont’s of Yoga
Being a new one in the yoga class, we all must have experienced some insecurity about our postures and asana. However, with the passage of time, we adopted a way of our own which may arise some confusion that we are right or wrong? Yoga is definitely a sure shot way of healthier and brighter life.