Vitamin And Mineral Supplements For People With Asthma
Which Mask Should You Use To Fight Air Pollution?
One of the safest ways of combating air pollution when venturing out is the use of respirators or masks.These masks are very helpful in keeping the pollutants at bay and ensuring that you breathe cleaner air.
What Is Exercise-Induced Asthma?
E-cigarettes: Poison In Your Lungs
We all have seen those sleek metallic devices that look like cigarettes, emitting a sweet sickly smell, mostly in the hands of youngsters. E-cigarettes are the new cool thing on the block, they are said to be a healthier alternative to conventional smoking that doesn’t leave behind any residue and is touted to be odorless. E-cigarettes were introduced as a means to help quit smoking but over the years have developed a following of their own and have gained popularity dramatically.
Winters Are Here! How To Prevent Throat Infections In Children?
Winter is finally here! Where it comes along with the joy of warm sunshine, cozy sleep and hot cups of tea, it also brings the cold, cough and throat infections along with it. Such infections are quite complicated in children.
Common Cold: What’s Safe For Your Child?
Common cold makes our life hell. We are unable to breathe, sleep, eat or talk properly, our head keeps hurting and we can’t wait for the ordeal to get over and get back to our regular life. So when our little ones get a cold and start coughing we can more than empathise.
Fighting Air Pollution? Add These Foods To Your Daily Diet!
Recorded amongst the world’s most polluted cities, New Delhi, is having a tough time dealing with the rising pollution levels. To stay safe, it is important for all of us to follow the preventive measures and include indoor plants, air purifiers, opt for respiratory masks when stepping out and have anti-oxidants rich diets. Published literature suggests that foods rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and antioxidants are enriched with anti-inflammatory properties and have been found to combat the effects of air pollution.