The Power Of CBG Gummies: 7 Health Benefits Revealed

CBG gummies may be new to the market, but their effects are not! CBG stands for Cannabigerol, a naturally occurring active ingredient of the cannabis sativa plant. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, similar to CBD (Cannabidiol). These are consumed as little jello bears, also known as CBG gummies.

CBG gummies use the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to promote homeostasis, that is, to maintain internal balance despite external factors and enhance overall well-being. The ECS is a sophisticated network of receptors and enzymes responsible for regulating numerous bodily functions, including pain perception, inflammation, mood, and appetite. CBG, through its interaction with the ECS, is believed to offer diverse potential health advantages.

Some of the most notable benefits of CBG gummies are[1]:

1. Manages Anxiety & Depression: CBG gummies, like CBD, possess anti-anxiety, stress-reducing, and antidepressant qualities. CBG’s unique ability to modulate emotions and increase dopamine levels effectively manages anxiety and stress. A single CBG dose can promote calmness and relaxation, though consistent use over days or weeks may be needed to address anxiety and depression effectively.

2. Reduces Pain: One of the main functions of CBG is pain reduction. CBG contributes to muscle relaxation, offering a potential avenue for alleviating chronic pain. It is particularly effective in addressing joint pain and is also believed to alleviate pain related to rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Minimises Inflammation: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder marked by abdominal discomfort, spasms, and changes in bowel habits, which can manifest as either diarrhea (IBS-D), constipation (IBS-C), or a combination of both[2]. CBG (Cannabigerol) and its derivatives have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable to treat chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and IBS[3]. While the underlying mechanisms of IBS are still not fully understood, targeting the endocannabinoid system(ECS) in the body could be a good way to help with IBS symptoms. Research claims CBG could make the gut work better, reduce pain, lessen minor inflammation in the intestines, and improve communication between the gut and the brain, all of which could make IBS symptoms feel better[2].

4. Manages Bladder Problems: Considering the studies, cannabinoids outside the central nervous system can influence how our bladder senses things by affecting pain pathways that start in the bladder[4]. While more research is needed, some evidence suggests that CBG may play a role in managing bladder problems.

5. Helps in Glaucoma: People with elevated eye pressure, or intraocular pressure (IOP), are at higher risk of developing glaucoma. Cannabinoids can help lower IOP by either reducing the eye fluid or enhancing its drainage through different pathways[5].

6. Improves Sleep and its Disorders: Medicinal cannabis and products containing cannabinoids are known for their sleep-inducing effects. They are found to have the potential for treating common sleep issues like insomnia, sleep-disordered breathing, and restless legs syndrome, as well as rarer conditions like narcolepsy and parasomnias. However, it’s important to note that the scientific understanding of how cannabinoids can help with these sleep disorders is still in its early stages[6].

7. May Prevent Cancer: CBG slows the progression of colon cancer in living organisms and specifically stops the growth of colorectal cancer cells. For this reason, it was found that CBG has the potential to prevent and cure colorectal cancer[7].

In conclusion, it’s essential to acknowledge that the use of CBG is an ongoing subject of research. While it isn’t directly linked to known health risks, it may have potential side effects. Poor tolerance, particularly when the dosage is incorrect, could result in symptoms like diarrhea, fatigue, and sluggishness.

If you’re contemplating incorporating CBG gummies into your wellness regimen, consulting with a healthcare professional is highly recommended. Consult with your doctor before trying CBG gummies.

(The article is written by Dr.Subita Alagh, Senior Executive, and reviewed by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor)


1. Ethan B. Russo, Carrie Cuttler, Ziva al. Survey of Patients Employing Cannabigerol-Predominant Cannabis Preparations: Perceived Medical Effects, Adverse Events, and Withdrawal Symptoms. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.Oct 2022.706-716. Available from:
2. Brugnatelli V, Turco F, Freo U, Zanette G. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Manipulating the Endocannabinoid System as First-Line Treatment. Front Neurosci. 2020 Apr 21;14:371. Available from:
3. Lowin T, Tigges-Perez MS, Constant E, Pongratz G. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cannabigerol in Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Cultures Are Partly Mediated by TRPA1. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jan 3;24(1):855. Available from:,IL%2D6%20and%20autoantibody%20levels.
4. Tyagi P, Tyagi V, Yoshimura N, Chancellor M. Functional role of cannabinoid receptors in urinary bladder. Indian J Urol. 2010 Jan-Mar;26(1):26-35. Available online from:
5. A. Aloway, A. Kumar, A.S. Laun, et al. Chapter 77. Cannabinoid Regulation of Intraocular Pressure: Human and Animal Studies, Cellular and Molecular Targets. Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies. 2017;748-759. Available from:
6. Kaul M, Zee PC, Sahni AS. Effects of Cannabinoids on Sleep and their Therapeutic Potential for Sleep Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2021 Jan;18(1):217-227. Available from:
7. Borrelli F, Pagano E, Romano B, et al. Colon carcinogenesis is inhibited by the TRPM8 antagonist cannabigerol, a Cannabis-derived non-psychotropic cannabinoid. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Dec;35(12):2787-97.Available from:

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