10 Everyday Objects With The Most Bacteria


Often dirtier than a toilet seat, mobile phones can harbor fecal matter. Use disposable screen protectors or microfiber cloths for regular cleaning.

Mobile Phones

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A breeding ground for germs, replace your dish sponge weekly to avoid the accumulation of trapped food particles.

Dish Sponge

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Regularly use antibacterial wipes to combat the germs passed around by the shared remote control.

Remote Control

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Get rid of loose crumbs, and clean with rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton balls to keep your keyboard germ-free.

Computer Keyboard

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A study reports that 90% of office mugs contain germs, with 20% carrying fecal matter. Clean them thoroughly at home or use paper towels for drying.

Office Cups

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Microwaves, refrigerator doors, vending machine buttons, and coffee machines can host bacteria. Wash hands before and after use, and clean shared items regularly.

Kitchen Items

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With over 3,000 types of bacteria on each note, consider opting for contactless payment to avoid potential infections.

Currency Notes

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Like dish sponges, bathroom towels harbor various bacteria, including fecal matter. Wash them after every 2-3 days to maintain cleanliness.

Bathroom Towels

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Frequently used and often placed on dirty surfaces, your handbag needs regular cleaning with antibacterial wipes.


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Press buttons with your elbow or knuckles to avoid contact with potentially dirty surfaces. Carry hand sanitizer for added protection.

Elevator Buttons

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