10 Tips To Prevent Heat Rash In Children


With the rise in temperature in India, particularly affecting children, preventing heat rashes is crucial to keeping your child comfortable and happy during the warmer months.

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Here are ten practical tips to help you prevent heat rashes in children and ensure their skin stays healthy and irritation-free.

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Dress your child in loose, lightweight, and breathable clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton. Avoid synthetic fabrics that trap heat.

Keep Skin Cool & Dry

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Ensure your child drinks plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and regulate body temperature.

Keep Them Hydrated

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Avoid outdoor activities during peak sun hours (10 am to 3 pm). Encourage indoor play in a cool environment.

Limit Heat Exposure

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Give your child cool baths or showers to help lower their body temperature. Adding a little baking soda to the bath can also soothe the skin.

Cool Baths

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Keep your child's living area well-ventilated. Use fans or air conditioning to maintain a cool indoor temperature.

Use Fans & AC

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These can block pores and trap heat. Instead, use lightweight, water-based lotions if needed.

Avoid Heavy Creams

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For babies, change diapers frequently to keep the area dry and prevent rashes.

Frequent Diaper Changes

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Use lightweight, breathable bedding and avoid heavy blankets that can cause sweating at night.

Loose Bedding

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Lightly dust talcum powder on areas prone to sweating, such as underarms, neck, and groin, to absorb moisture and reduce friction.

Apply Talcum Powder

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Apply cool, damp cloths to heat-prone areas if you notice redness or irritation starting to develop.

Cool Compresses

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