11 Early Signs Of Dementia


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Over 55 million people around the world have dementia, and the majority of them, over 60%, live in poorer countries.  Lets have a look at the 11 early signs of dementia:

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Memory Troubles

One of the earliest signs is trouble with short-term memory. This often manifests as forgetting recent events, where they placed everyday items, or struggling to remember tasks they just started.

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Difficulty With Words

Another indicator is difficulty with communication. Finding the right words can become a challenge, and they may pause in the middle of sentences, unsure of how to continue. Conversations may take longer as they search for expressions.

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Mood Changes

A shift in mood is common. They might appear more anxious, fearful, or even exhibit signs of depression. Changes in personality can also be noticeable to loved ones.

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A sense of indifference or apathy towards activities they once enjoyed can develop. Hobbies and interests may be abandoned, and they may seem emotionally flat or disconnected.

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Task Completion

Tasks that were once routine can become difficult. Following a recipe, managing bills, or playing a game with complex rules might pose challenges. Learning new things or adapting to new routines may also become problematic.

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Confusion about time, place, or faces can occur. They may forget the day of the week, misplace belongings frequently, or have difficulty recognizing familiar people.

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Storyline Following

Following conversations or storylines, whether in a book or on TV, may become increasingly difficult. Understanding the meaning of words or phrases can be a struggle.

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Directional Issues

Spatial orientation and sense of direction can worsen. They might have trouble recognizing common landmarks or forget how to get to places they used to know well.

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Repetition in actions or speech is another common sign. They may repeat tasks like shaving or bathing, tell the same stories or jokes repeatedly, or ask the same questions in conversation.

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Change Adaptation

A fear of new experiences or a strong preference for routine can develop. Sudden changes in plans or environments may cause distress or confusion.

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Poor Judgment

Cognitive decline can lead to poor decision-making. This might include unsafe behaviors like crossing busy streets without caution, wearing inappropriate clothing for the weather, or making uncharacteristic financial decisions.

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