Skin Lightening?  4 Hidden Dangers Of Glutathione Injections

- Monalisa Deka

You might have wondered about the transformation of actresses who initially had darker complexions on-screen and now appear noticeably fairer.

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Yes, it is glutathione, an antioxidant that does the magic. 

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However, beneath the promise of fairer skin lies a series of hidden dangers that you should be aware of before considering this cosmetic treatment.

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Unlicensed practitioners often perform these procedures since licensed dermatologists avoid recommending glutathione injections.

Unlicensed Professionals

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Some people may get rashes or even life-threatening reactions like swelling and breathlessness especially if administered by untrained individuals.

Allergic Reactions

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Continued glutathione injection may strain the liver and kidneys, the body's detoxifying organs, leading to serious health problems.

Organ Damage

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 Injecting substances into the body without a clear understanding of long-term effects can be dangerous.

Unknown Long-Term Effects

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