4 Yoga Poses To Keep You Cool This Summer


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Yoga can indeed be beneficial in preventing heat stroke by helping to regulate body temperature.

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Here are some yoga practices that can help protect against heat stroke:

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Cooling Pranayama

Practice pranayama techniques such as Sheetali (cooling breath) and Sheetkari (hissing breath) to cool the body from within and regulate body temperature.

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Sitali Asana

Sit comfortably and roll your tongue into a tube shape. Inhale deeply through the curled tongue and exhale through the nose. This posture helps cool the body and calm the mind.

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Lie down on your back, arms and legs extended, palms facing up. Close your eyes and focus on deep, rhythmic breathing. This pose promotes relaxation and helps prevent overheating.

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Restorative Yoga

Include restorative yoga poses that promote relaxation and release tension in the body, such as supported forward bends and gentle twists, to help cool down and prevent heat-related issues.

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Pay attention to how your body feels during your yoga practice, and be mindful of any signs of overheating, such as dizziness, fatigue, or excessive sweating. Take breaks as needed and prioritize your well-being.

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Photo Credit: Freepik