5 Amazing Medicinal Benefits Of Karela

- Monalisa Deka

Add karela as a vegetable to your diet or have its freshly squeezed juice to control your sugar level.

Blood Sugar Control

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Karela contains compounds that help eliminate excess cholesterol stored in the liver.

Lowers Cholesterol

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Fresh karela juice alleviates chronic skin conditions like acne, and psoriaisis. Drink on empty stomach for 4-6 months for relief.

Improves Skin Conditions

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Karela helps in weight loss since it is loaded with fiber and has a low-calorie count. Include in your diet if you are on a weight loss program.

Aids In Weight Loss

Photo Credit: Freepik

Karela aids digestion and relieves constipation. Include it in your diet by cooking or baking sliced karela for better gut health

Wards Off Constipation

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