5 Benefits Of Ankle Weight Exercises For Weight Loss


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Ankle weights, similar to mini sandbags for your feet, are used in workouts like Pilates, weighing about 1 to 3 pounds each. Worn during daily activities or exercises, they enhance effectiveness by adding resistance.

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Helps To Lose Weight

Wearing light weights on your ankles & wrists while doing simple exercises like lifting dumbbells helped people lose weight. Doing this 3 times a week for 20 minutes led to less body fat.

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Increases Bone Density

Strengthening bones is vital to prevent osteoporosis and fractures, especially in women. Adding ankle weight exercises to workouts can effectively boost bone mass and strength.

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Improves Balance

Wearing ankle weights can enhance balance by challenging your body's stability. They force your muscles to work harder, improving coordination and reducing the risk of falls.

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Helps You Walk Better

Wearing ankle weights equal to a small fraction of your body weight could help you walk farther, faster, and with better rhythm, improving how you move overall.

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Increases Muscle Mass

Adding wrist and ankle weights to your workout routine can enhance muscle growth. Therefore, consider integrating ankle weight exercises into your regimen for better results.

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Photo Credit: Freepik