5 Best Supplements  For Hair Growth

             Written by: Mantasha

Let's explore the 5 supplements often linked to hair health:

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A B vitamin that plays a role in keratin production, a protein essential for hair growth.


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Essential for cell growth, including hair follicles. However, too much vitamin A can be harmful, so consult your doctor before taking supplements.

Vitamin A

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An antioxidant that helps with iron absorption, important for hair growth. It also supports collagen production, which is a building block for hair.

Vitamin C

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An antioxidant that may improve blood circulation in the scalp, potentially promoting hair growth.

Vitamin E

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Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. However, iron overload can also be harmful, so consult your doctor before taking iron supplements.


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Hair loss can have various causes. These vitamins may promote hair growth, but it's not guaranteed and might depend on the underlying reason for your hair loss.

Individual Needs Vary

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Aim to get most of your vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Supplements can help fill nutritional gaps, but shouldn't replace a well-rounded diet.

A Balanced Diet Is Key

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