5 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Soaked Sabja Seeds

             Written by: Mantasha

Sabja seeds, also known as basil seeds, are a versatile and nutritious addition to your diet. When soaked, they develop a gel-like texture that can enhance both the flavor and nutritional value of various dishes.

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Add soaked sabja seeds to your favorite smoothie for a boost of texture and nutrients. They blend well with fruits like mango, banana, or berries.

In Smoothies

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Mix soaked sabja seeds into plain or flavored yogurt. This combination is refreshing and adds a satisfying crunch.

In Yogurt

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Stir soaked sabja seeds into lemonade or fruit juices. They will add a unique texture and enhance the drink’s visual appeal.

In Lemonade Or Juices

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Sprinkle soaked sabja seeds over salads, soups, or desserts. They add a nutty flavor and a chewy texture that complements various dishes.

As A Topping

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Incorporate soaked sabja seeds into puddings or chia seed recipes. They create a delightful, gel-like consistency that can enhance the texture of the dish.

In Puddings

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Soaking sabja seeds for about 30 minutes to an hour is typically enough to get the best texture and benefits.

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