5 Easy Steps Of Self-Breast Examination

Written by: Mantasha

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According to medical professionals, performing regular self-breast exams can be a powerful tool for identifying changes in your breasts early on. 

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Here are the 5 Easy Steps of Self-Breast Examination to familiarize yourself with the look and feel of your breasts.

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Look In The Mirror

Stand in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and arms down. Check for: Breasts that look their usual size, shape, and color. Evenly shaped breasts without visible swelling or distortion.

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Feel Your Breasts Standing

Use your right hand to feel your left breast, and left hand for your right breast. Use your three middle fingers in a circular motion, like the size of a 1 Rupee coin. Start from the outer edge and move in smaller circles toward the nipple. Repeat on both breasts.

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Check Your Nipples

Gently squeeze your nipples to check for any discharge—watery, milky, yellow, or bloody. If you notice bloody discharge, see your doctor promptly.

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Feel Your Breasts Lying Down

Lie down and place a pillow under your left shoulder. Use the same circular motion to feel both breasts evenly. Repeat the process for thorough examination.

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Feel Your Breasts In The Shower

While your skin is wet and slippery, use the same hand movements to feel your breasts. Cover the entire breast area to ensure thorough examination.

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Please Note

Performing these steps monthly can help you become familiar with your breasts and detect any changes early. Always consult your doctor if you notice anything unusual or concerning.

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