5 Easy Tips To Keep Allergies Away This Monsoon


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The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching heat but also introduces challenges for allergy sufferers.

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To help you navigate this season with fewer allergy symptoms, here are five easy tips to keep allergies at bay:

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Keep Indoor Air Clean

Use air purifiers and keep windows and doors closed to reduce the entry of pollen, mold spores, and dust mites. Regularly clean air conditioning filters to maintain indoor air quality.

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Maintain Personal Hygiene

Shower after being outdoors to wash away pollen and allergens from your skin and hair. Wash clothes frequently, especially after spending time outside.

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Manage Dampness & Mold

Prevent mold growth by keeping areas dry and well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to reduce humidity levels. Clean damp or moldy surfaces promptly using appropriate cleaners.

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Stay updated on weather forecasts and pollen counts. Avoid outdoor activities during high pollen levels or on days with heavy rain, which can release allergens into the air.

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Monitor Weather

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Consult An Allergist

If allergies persist or worsen during the monsoon season, consider consulting an allergist or immunologist.

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