5 Epilepsy Myths & Facts


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Always Genetic

While some cases have a genetic link, many epilepsy cases have no known cause.

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While some seizures can be dangerous, many are not life-threatening.

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Only Affects Children

Epilepsy can develop at any age, and adults are just as likely to be diagnosed as children.

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Mentally Impaired

Epilepsy and intelligence are unrelated. Many individuals with epilepsy have normal cognitive function.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Only Affects Children

Epilepsy can develop at any age, and adults are just as likely to be diagnosed as children.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Mouth Intervention

Putting an object in the mouth during a seizure can be dangerous. Know exactly what to do when someone has a seizure so that you can act quickly.

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Photo Credit: Freepik