5 Foods To Avoid In Keto Diet

- Simran Suri

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as keto, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that aims to shift the body's energy source from carbohydrates to fats.

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Avoid wheat, rice, oats, and their derivatives like bread, pasta, and cereal, which are high in carbohydrates.

Grains & Grain Products

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Avoid sugary items like candies, cakes, cookies, and other desserts, as they are rich in carbohydrates and can spike blood sugar levels.

Sugary Foods

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Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other starchy vegetables contain higher carb counts and are typically limited on a keto diet.

Starchy Vegetables

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Some fruits like bananas, mangoes, and grapes are high in natural sugars, making them less compatible with a keto eating plan.

Sugar Rich Fruits

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Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are carbohydrate-rich and are generally avoided or limited on a keto diet.

Legumes & Beans

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