5 Health Impacts Of Natural Disasters

Written by: MANTASHA

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The recent landslide in Wayanad, Kerala, has left a trail of destruction, causing significant harm to the residents of the area. As the community grapples with the aftermath, it is crucial to address the various health risks that arise in such a calamity.

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Physical Trauma

Broken bones, head injuries, and spinal cord injuries are common due to falling debris and structural collapses.

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Cuts & Lacerations

Sharp objects and rough surfaces can cause deep cuts, requiring immediate medical attention to prevent infections.

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Crush Injuries

Heavy objects and debris can cause crush injuries, leading to serious complications if not promptly treated.

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Mental Stress 

The emotional toll of the landslide is profound, with many individuals experiencing mental stress and PTSD.

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Grief & Loss

The loss of loved ones, homes, and possessions can cause deep emotional pain and grief. Providing psychological support and counseling is crucial for helping individuals cope with their losses.

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Displacement Stress

Being displaced from homes and familiar surroundings can lead to anxiety and stress. Establishing temporary shelters with support services can aid in reducing the psychological impact.

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So what should be our key learnings?

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Important Insights

-Always be cautious of weather warnings -Have an evacuation plan -Keep an emergency safety kit -Reach out for help -Avoid travel to such areas -Stay strong during such crisis

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