5 Herbs To Naturally Cool Your Body


During hot weather or when you're feeling overheated, certain herbs can provide a natural cooling effect on the body. Here are 5 herbs known for their cooling properties:

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Coriander leaves (cilantro) and seeds are cooling herbs commonly used in cooking, especially in salads and chutneys.


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Fennel seeds can aid digestion and have a cooling effect on the body. They are often chewed after meals.


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Similar to peppermint, mint leaves can be used in teas, salads, or infused in water for a refreshing drink.


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In Ayurveda, holy basil is considered a cooling herb. It can be consumed as tea or added to dishes.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

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Cardamom pods or seeds are aromatic and can be added to teas, desserts, or savory dishes for a cooling and flavorful touch.


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