5 Myths About The HPV Vaccine Debunked

             Written by: Nitika Makhija

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a culprit behind some serious cancers, particularly cervical cancer.

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Getting the HPV vaccine is your best defense for staying protected.

And like any vaccine, the HPV shot has its share of myths. Let's clear up the most common ones.

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Myth: The HPV vaccine is only for women Fact: The vaccine protects against genital warts and cancers of the anus, throat, and penis caused by HPV in men. Also, vaccinating men helps reduce the overall spread of HPV infections.

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Myth: The vaccine is only necessary if you're young. Fact: While getting vaccinated between ages 9-14 is ideal, adults up to 45 can also benefit.

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Myth: The vaccine isn't safe. Fact: The HPV vaccine is generally safe and well-tolerated. Side effects are typically mild and short-lived.

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Myth: The HPV vaccine can cause infertility Fact: There is no evidence linking the HPV vaccine to infertility. The vaccine helps protect against cancers that could affect reproductive health.

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Myth: HPV vaccine is not effective enough at preventing cervical cancer. Fact: Research has shown that the vaccine provides strong protection against the types of HPV that most commonly lead to cervical cancer.

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