5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Height

- Monalisa Deka

Despite most individuals stop growing taller after puberty, there are ways to maximize growth potential in adolescence and maintain height as an adult.

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By adopting these 5 practices during your teenage years, you can enhance your chances of reaching your maximum height.

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Eat calcium and vitamin D rich foods such as milk, curd, eggs, and green leafy vegetables for better bone development.

Eat Healthy

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Hanging exercises, toe-touching, skipping, swimming, and basketball promote height increase.


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Stand, walk, or sit with a straight back and shoulders slightly drawn back to naturally increase height.

Correct Posture

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Adequate sleep is crucial for height gain as it triggers growth hormone secretion during rest.

Good Sleep

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Stay away from smoking since there are some links found between smoking and short height.

No Smoking

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