5 Possible Causes Of Eye Twitching (Myokymia)

- Mantasha

The most common eye twitch is called myokymia, occurring in either the upper or lower eyelid, typically affecting one eye at a time.

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Excess stress and fatigue can lead to muscle twitching, around the eyes.

Stress & Fatigue

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Too much caffeine intake may cause involuntary muscle contractions.


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Extended periods of focused activities like screen time or reading can strain eye muscles and result in twitching.


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Not drinking enough water or having imbalances in electrolytes can affect muscle function and cause twitching.


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Rarely, muscle twitching might be associated with neurological conditions. If persistent or severe, seek medical advice.

Underlying Neurological Conditions

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Eat a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These minerals play a role in muscle function, and deficiencies may contribute to twitching.


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