5 Possible Side Effects Of Probiotics


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Digestive Discomfort

Some individuals may experience temporary bloating, gas, or mild stomach discomfort when starting probiotics. Always gradually introduce probiotics to allow your digestive system to adjust.

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Allergic Reactions

People allergic to certain probiotics may experience allergic reactions. Always check product labels for allergens before purchasing any probiotics.

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Risk If Immunocompromised

Immunocompromised individuals may be at risk of infections from probiotics. Consult with a healthcare provider before using probiotics if you have a weakened immune system.

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Interaction With Medicines

Probiotics might interact with certain medicines reducing  their effectiveness. Inform your healthcare provider about probiotic use to ensure compatibility with your current medications.

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Change In Weight

Some people may experience weight changes, either gain or loss, when using probiotics. Monitor your body's response and consult with a healthcare professional if you observe significant changes.

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Photo Credit: Freepik