5 Powerhouse Foods For Staying Hydrated


During monsoon, several fruits come into season in various regions, offering both hydration and essential nutrients. Here are some popular monsoon fruits:

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Known as the king of fruits, Packed with about 80% water content, mangoes are abundant during summer and monsoon. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber.


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Contains about 95% water content per weight, making it an excellent hydrating snack.


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Composed of about 92% water, it provides hydration along with vitamins A and C.


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High in water content (about 91%), strawberries also offer fiber and antioxidants.


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This tropical fruit has a sweet and floral flavor, packed with vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Boasting around 92% water content.


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Consisting of about 95% water, celery is a low-calorie hydrating option rich in fiber and antioxidants.


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