5 Reasons Your Newborn Isn't Sleeping At Night

             Written by: Mantasha

To the all new moms we know that it can be challenging and exhausting when your newborn has trouble sleeping at night.

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But understanding the common reasons behind their nighttime wakefulness can help you address the issue effectively.

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Newborns sometimes mix up day and night, sleeping well during the day but staying awake at night. This is common and usually temporary.

Day/Night Confusion

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Newborns need frequent feedings. If they wake up at night, they might be hungry. Try feeding them even if it hasn’t been long since the last feeding.


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Your baby might wake up if they’re uncomfortable. This could be due to illness, gas, or constipation.


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Some babies need to be close to their parents to feel secure. Keeping your baby’s crib in your room might help them feel more at ease.

Need For Comfort

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Too much activity or excitement during the day can make it hard for your baby to sleep. Try to keep their day calm and avoid too much stimulation before bedtime.


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If these tips don’t improve your baby’s sleep or if you have ongoing concerns, consult with your pediatrician for further advice and support.

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