5 Side Effects Of Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is often praised for its health benefits, but consuming it in large amounts can have adverse effects. While it’s popular for its potential to aid in weight loss and digestion, it’s important to understand the risks associated with overconsumption. 

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Here’s why you might want to rethink chugging apple cider vinegar.

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Drinking ACV in excess can lead to digestive problems like nausea, acid reflux, and indigestion. The high acidity may irritate your stomach lining and esophagus.

Potential For Digestive Issues

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The acetic acid in ACV can erode tooth enamel over time. To protect your teeth, it’s advisable to dilute the vinegar and rinse your mouth afterward.

Tooth Enamel Erosion

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While ACV can help manage blood sugar levels, consuming too much may cause an excessive drop, potentially leading to hypoglycemia, especially if you’re on diabetes medication.

Risk Of Lowering Blood Sugar Too Much

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Apple cider vinegar may interact with certain medications, including diuretics and insulin. Consult your healthcare provider before incorporating it into your daily routine.

Interaction With Medications

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Excessive intake of ACV might lead to bone loss due to its highly acidic nature, which can affect your body’s ability to absorb essential minerals.

Risk Of Bone Loss

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To avoid these side effects, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in a large glass of water before drinking. Limit intake to once or twice a day, and consider using a straw to protect your teeth. For topical use, always dilute with water or mix with other ingredients.

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar Safely? 

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