5 Side Effects Of Using Cotton Swabs In Ears


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Ear Canal Injury

Cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into the ear canal, potentially causing injury or irritation. This can lead to pain, or even a ruptured eardrum in severe cases.

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Impacted Earwax

Instead of removing earwax, cotton swabs can inadvertently compact it against the eardrum. This blockage can cause hearing loss and ear discomfort.

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Ear Infections

Inserting cotton swabs into the ear canal can introduce bacteria or fungi, increasing the risk of ear infections.

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Aggressive use of cotton swabs can damage delicate structures in the ear, leading to tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears.

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Eardrum Perforation

In rare cases, using cotton swabs can result in a perforated eardrum, especially if the swab is inserted too deeply or forcefully.

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