5 Simple Tips To Ease Migraine Pain


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Dark, Quiet Room

Find a dark, quiet room to rest  during a migraine attack. Sensory stimuli can exacerbate symptoms.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Soak Feet In Warm Water

Soaking your feet in warm water dilates blood vessels, easing pressure on those in the head and providing relief from migraines.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Castor Oil

Some individuals use castor oil in a topical application, such as applying it to the forehead or temples during a migraine. It is believed to promote relaxation and relieve tension.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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During a migraine, try drinking a glass of water with 1/2 tablespoon of salt. This may help alleviate headaches by addressing dehydration in tissues through the osmosis process.

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Photo Credit: Freepik

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Cold Or Warm Compress

Apply a cold or warm compress or use neck massager to your back side of neck. Experiment to see which temperature works better for you.

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Photo Credit: Freepik