5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Calcium Levels

             Written by: Mantasha

Low calcium can impact your bone health and overall comfort. To tackle this issue, here are some simple steps to boost your calcium levels and keep your bones in top shape.

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Include more calcium-rich foods in your diet, such as dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach), and fortified foods (orange juice, plant-based milks).

Increase Calcium-Rich Foods

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If dietary changes aren’t sufficient, consult your healthcare provider about calcium supplements. Choose a high-quality supplement and follow the recommended dosage.

Consider Calcium Supplements

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Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption. Spend some time in the sun, and consider foods rich in vitamin D (such as fatty fish, egg yolks) or supplements if needed.

Boost Vitamin D Intake

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Keep track of your daily calcium intake to ensure you’re meeting the recommended levels. This can help prevent deficiencies and maintain bone health.

Monitor Your Calcium Intake

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Engage in weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, or resistance training. Physical activity helps strengthen bones and improves calcium utilization in the body.

Stay Active

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Addressing low calcium involves a combination of dietary adjustments, proper supplementation, vitamin D intake, and an active lifestyle.

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