5 Spices That Will Keep You Healthy This Monsoon


Here are 5 spices that can be particularly beneficial during the monsoon:

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This golden wonder fights inflammation and infections with its curcumin content. Enjoy it in curries, soups, or a soothing turmeric milk drink.


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This antiviral and antibacterial spice combats monsoon colds and coughs, while also aiding digestion. Add it to stir-fries, teas, or chutneys.


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A natural antibiotic and immune system enhancer, garlic helps fight infections. Enjoy it in curries, marinades, or roasted.


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Not just for heat! Black pepper aids digestion and nutrient absorption, while its antibacterial properties fight off monsoon sniffles.

Black Pepper

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Cloves are a warming spice that has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. They can help fight off infections and enhance the immune system


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