5 Symptoms Of Schizophrenia


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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder where people have trouble thinking clearly, understanding reality, and interacting with others. It can last a long time and make life difficult.

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Experiencing sensations that are not real, such as hearing voices, seeing things, or feeling sensations that are not there.

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Holding false beliefs that are not based in reality, such as believing that one has special powers, is being controlled by external forces, or is being persecuted.

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Disorganized Thinking

Difficulty organizing thoughts or making sense of information, leading to disjointed speech or behavior.

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Disorganized Behavior

Displaying unpredictable or unusual behaviors, such as inappropriate emotional responses, lack of motivation.

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Negative Symptoms

A decrease in the ability to function normally, including reduced emotional expression, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulty concentrating or remembering.

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