5 Things You Should Never Do After Lunch


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Here are five things you should avoid doing after lunch for better digestion and overall health:

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Avoid Heavy Exercise

It's best to avoid engaging in intense physical activity immediately after lunch. Give your body some time to digest the food properly before engaging in any strenuous exercise. Opt for light activities like walking instead.

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Avoid Immediate Napping

While a short nap can be tempting after a satisfying meal, lying down immediately after lunch can lead to indigestion and heartburn. If you feel the need to rest, try sitting upright for a while instead of lying down flat.

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Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine intake post-lunch can hinder nutrient absorption. Opt for water or herbal tea instead to aid digestion without disrupting nutrient uptake.

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Say No To Heavy Snacks

Resist the urge to indulge in heavy or fatty snacks right after lunch. Opt for light, nutrient-rich options like fruits, nuts, or yogurt to satisfy hunger without disrupting your blood sugar levels.

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Don't Stress

Steer clear of stressful situations post-lunch as they can disrupt digestion. Instead, unwind with deep breathing, music, or a brief outdoor stroll for better relaxation.

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Photo Credit: Freepik


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