4 Tips For Smooth & Soft Lips This Winter

- Mantasha

Incorporate a gentle lip scrub into your routine to slough off dry skin, promoting a smoother lip texture. Do not use it more than once a week.

Gentle Exfoliation

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Protect your lips from winter winds by using nourishing lip balm or coconut oil. Opt for SPF-infused lip balm outdoors to shield against UV rays.

Lip Balm

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Resist the temptation to lick your lips excessively, as saliva can strip away natural moisture, which may lead to dryness.

Avoid Licking

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Stay well-hydrated from the inside out. Optimum hydration is the secret to keeping lips and skin happily moisturized.

Hydration Is Key

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Apply a generous layer of lip balm or coconut oil before bedtime to give your lips an overnight boost of hydration and protection against dryness.

Overnight Care

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