5 Tips To Lower Fever Naturally At Home

Simran Suri

Drink plenty of fluids such as water, herbal teas, and coconut water to prevent dehydration and help regulate body temperature.

Stay Hydrated

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Use Ayurvedic herbs like tulsi, ginger, neem, and giloy known for their antipyretic properties to lower fever naturally.

Herbal Remedies

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Consume cooling foods like cucumber, watermelon, coconut, and mint to help lower body temperature and hydrate the system.

Cooling Foods

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Allow your body to rest and recuperate by getting adequate sleep and avoiding strenuous activities that can raise body temperature further.

Rest & Relaxation

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Apply a cold compress or damp cloth to the forehead, neck, and armpits to promote heat loss from the body and provide relief from fever symptoms.

Wet Cloth Compress

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