5 Tips To Manage Nightmare Disorder In Children


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Comforting Bedtime Routine

Establish a soothing bedtime routine that helps your child relax before sleep. This might include reading a calming story, listening to soft music, or cuddling with a favorite toy.

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Safe Sleep Environment

Ensure your child's bedroom is comfortable, dark, and quiet. Provide a nightlight if needed for reassurance. A cozy and inviting sleep environment can help reduce the likelihood of nightmares.

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Open Communication

Encourage your child to talk about their dreams and any fears they might have. Create an open and supportive atmosphere where they feel comfortable sharing their feelings. Assure them that it's normal to have bad dreams sometimes.

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Positive Dream 

Help your child reframe their nightmares into positive endings. You can do this through storytelling or drawing. Encourage them to imagine a different, happier outcome for their dreams.

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Limit Scary Content Before Bed

Avoid exposing your child to frightening movies, TV shows, or stories close to bedtime. Scary content can linger in their minds and influence their dreams. Opt for more calming and positive entertainment choices.

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Photo Credit: Freepik